Ten years later after the first Semente it’s time to give shape to the project of a National Galician School. For the first time we are asking to participate as associate in all the Sementes. We need you with us to go forward, we need the strength and solidarity of the whole country to grow up and keep walking one spring after another.

Watering this Semente (seed) with your contribution, however small, we can create new centers in new locations all over the country in places where our language is specially discriminated and giving us the capacity of build secured-spaces where families and childs can live in our language.

Also, thanks to your help, we will have more resources to create new cultural products in galician laguage: we still organising summits and trainnings where rethink the education from a critic and transforming perspective. We will continue extending the number of grants we offer trying to grant a universal assistance and, last but not least, we still increasing our capacity of social intervention to strengthen the linguistic conscience of our people.

We are the school of the Galician people, we are the future, we are Semente!